Identities, languages and media practices

The first path of research focuses on discourses, journalism and media systems, in particular digital ones. In this path the approaches followed are socio-discursive and semiotic-pragmatic, while the research aims at identifying perceptions and analysing the transformation of individual and collective identities into discourse by the media.

Whether these identities are in situations of conflict, identities forged by gender, or professional, regional or virtual identities, the objects examined require questioning from diachronic and synchronic angles, which are alone in rendering the rationales in play intelligible within the traditional and digital formats of media information, and making their social poignancy clear. The research also aims at identifying shifts related to the development of digital media; shifts in the frontiers between what is considered “professional” and “amateur” in professional identities and in the rationales of journalistic production (working conditions, relations with sources, business models, and the limitations of technical systems).

In the first path, ELICO’s researchers implement competences that have led to the production of several works and which root its expertise in the analysis of media identities, practices and languages. We provide three examples below:

  • The works carried out on journalism in recent years in the framework of the REJ – Network of Journalism Studies – and more recently of the GIS Journalism.
  • The works carried out on regional and media identities (research in collaboration with the GRS, Socialisation Research Group – ISH Lyon 2; participation in LabEx IMU – Intelligence in Urban Worlds; research on “inter-weaved memories of Villeurbanne” with GRePS, Social Psychology Research Group – Lyon 2)
  • Research on media construction of identities discussed socially and politically (the symposium Le Fait-divers dans tous ses états”, 2006; participation in the worldwide study of GMMP – Global Media Monitoring Project).